One Team Realty Criteria for applications
One Team Realty, LLC does business in accordance with the Federal, State and Local Fair Housing laws and welcome Persons of all Race, Color, Disability, Religious Creed, Ancestry, Sex, Familial Status, Sexual Preference, Gender Identity, Age and National Origin. Each application requires that we verify credit history, leasing history, income, and criminal reports. One Team Realty, LLC does not discrimate based on income source.
If you cannot provide positive references, have a debt to income ratio that shows you cannot afford to pay rent from your documented income (pay stubs, bank records, or tax returns), have no work history or an unstable work history, been evicted in the past, have a criminal record, or any occupant is listed in the sex offender database, you may not qualify for a rental at this time.
All applicants should view the exterior & interior of the rental or have a trusted friend or relative(s) view the rental prior to occupancy because all rentals must be accepted “AS-IS” before the application process is complete
Below please review our minimum residential qualification criteria
Please note: Prior to tenant approval, if you are bringing a pet, we ask all tenant candidates to register their pet with using our referral link. Using our referral link will automatically share your pet’s profile with us. is a simple and secure way to manage and share important information about your Pet or Assistance Animal. There is a nominal cost to register your pet with unless you have a bona-fide assistance animal in your household. There is no charge ($0) for submitting a reasonable accommodation request for an Assistance Animal. If approves the animal as a ESA then the app fee for the pet would be refundable by, (Always check with on their policy about refunds first). Your request will be reviewed by the legal review team per the FHAct guidelines. Please be aware of laws and local ordinances, if any, for criminal offenses and/or penalties for committing assistance animal fraud.
If an applicant can not provide evidence of income 2.5 x rent or greater and or has a credit score of 620 or lower then One Team Realty would ask for a co-signer in order to qualify the applicant.
Tel: 808-201-5524
Text or Call 808.224.0344 One Team Realty your one team for property management, renting, buying and selling homes, office space and apartments located in Kapolei Hawaii covering the following cities and areas on Oahu: Honolulu, Waikiki, Pearl City, Kailua, Kaneohe, Waipahu, Mililani, Ewa Beach, Aiea, Wahiawa, Kapolei, Makakilo, Waianae, Kahala, Manoa.