Pest Control Services

Formatic PM, INC

Pest Control Services

We are committed to retaining quality residents and protecting your investment. Providing you with unique, high-value, and reliable professional services aligns with this commitment. Accordingly, Formatic PM Home Provider's portfolios are enrolled in Pest Assurance, powered by Pest Share. 

Pest Assurance: For so long, renters have delayed pest control until the infestation became unbearable in fear of the notoriously exorbitant cost associated with treatment. No more! This program provides innovative relief to residents with reliable, simple, effective, and affordable self-directed on-demand pest control service. Your residents can now confidently request service immediately, ultimately protecting your investment. It’s a win-win! 

This innovative program, is a self-directed, on-demand, pest control service that includes the following pests: Bed Bugs, Fleas, Ticks, Weevils, Mites, Cockroaches, Ants, Rats,  and Mice, and others as required.

As an extension of our program, residents may save up to 70% when treating other pests using our providers. (Residents would pay out of pocket for additional services)

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